Tambourines (2017-2022)
These paintings attempt to manifest the spirit of a personality which may be interpreted, inhabited, and defined independently by each viewer.
After a few years of working primarily on the Friendships series, I thought I'd challenge the process by trying to incorporate two characters into a single figure- a friendship of one. When the chakras of the two figures started lining up, I saw a novel approach to capturing a character without the benefit of most distinguishing features.
-June, 2018
from top:
Totem Tease
28 x 22” oil, graphite/ polyester mounted on canvas, artist’s frame 2018
46 x 36” oil, oil stick, charcoal, graphite, oil pastel, map pin/ raw canvas 2017
Fusion Dance
60 x 45” / 60 x 50” oil/ polyester mounted on canvas 2021-2022
8.125 x 6.125” watercolor/ paper 2018
8.125 x 6.125” watercolor, charcoal, graphite, oil pastel/ paper 2018
River Fang Address
24 x 20” oil, graphite/ polyester mounted on canvas 2019
Grow, Garden
24 x 20” oil, graphite/ polyester mounted on canvas, artist’s frame 2018